Wednesday 6 April 2011

Chubby Gnomes

I was thinking of something to make for Easter that was egg-shaped, when I realised that Gnomes, with their pointy hats, were perfect. I wanted them to be chubby and simple, so I started with one with a classic red hat and a little beard.

I was really happy with the way he turned out, and I decided that he needed a little girl friend. I couldn't give her a beard (she's not a dwarf!) so she's got cute little pigtails.

I made another to check the pattern and changed the colours for a bit of variety.

I think Gnomes like gardens so they seem appropriate for spring when everything starts growing so madly. These little Gnomes are only 3.5" tall and fit nicely in your hand.

They'd look cute on a windowsill next to some plants, or maybe they'd like to go travelling? And they have another, more modern, talent. My 10 year-old son discovered that they're the perfect shape for break-dancing!

The pattern is now available in my Etsy shop.


  1. These are adorable. They are like crocheted weebles.

  2. hahahaha they are soo cute

  3. Thanks! If you weighted them a bit they'd be even more like Weebles, they wouldn't fall down! As it is they sit up nicely on their own.

  4. I coment in crafster and now I came here because I want to tell you that they are beautiful and show you my support yay!! love them a loooooot

  5. Wow - your creations are so unusual - I was just looking at the StarWars ones from a few posts back. Where on earth do you get your ideas from!

  6. Thank you! A lot of my designs come about because I'm playing with shapes. You can start making an amigurumi, trying out a particular shape, and it takes on a life of its own.

  7. These are just gorgeous! I'm going to have to try and make them so we can play Gnomeo and Juliet with them

  8. honestly, these are adorable and you have such an imagination. you should make a book of all your ideas and sell it on your etsy. or get it published.

  9. Thank you! I would love put a crochet book together, maybe I should start working on it.
