Friday 4 May 2012

Happy Star Wars Day!

I hope all you Star Wars fans out there are enjoying Star Wars Day - if you don't know it's called that because of the terrible pun: May the 4th be with you (May the Force be with you). Anyway, my amigurumis are enjoying themselves (maybe I need to crochet a Cantina for them to party in!)

You may spot a new amigurumi, a Jawa. I've been working on the pattern for him, and it'll be in my Etsy shop very soon. Just keep checking here to see when it's ready.

Have fun!


  1. nice work, I follow your blog, I like your crochet!!!!


  2. Excellent work!

    Don't remember how I found your blog, but am glad to have done so. Thank you for giving me inspiration wiht the Star Wars amigurumi. Just finished doing a pencil holder with Yoda on it.
