Thursday 27 June 2019

Harry Potter Crochet

Big news! I have a new book coming out in October, Harry Potter Crochet. It's produced by the same people who did the previous two Star Wars books and in the same format, so it comes as a kit. There is a book with patterns to make Harry, Ron, Hermione in their school uniforms, with removable robes and scarves; Ginny in her Quidditch uniform and with her broom; Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall, along with the Sorting Hat; Hagrid, Dobby, Norbert the baby dragon and, of course, Hedwig. To complete the line-up we have He Who Must Not Be Named, Voldemort himself.

The kit includes everything you need to make Harry and Dobby - yarn, eyes and, best of all, a hook shaped like Harry's wand!

I'm a massive Harry Potter fan so I was really excited to be asked to work on this book. Because of the range of character sizes I decided to make them a bit differently to the Star Wars characters. The children are about the same size as most of the SW figures, but the adults are larger, with Hagrid obviously being the largest figure. That allowed me to make Dobby and Hedwig pretty much in scale with Harry, though it would have been impossible to do that with Norbert, so he's closer to being life-sized.

I finished designing the patterns and making all the figures back in January, so I've been waiting for a while to even be able to talk about this. Hopefully it won't seem too long to wait for it to come out in October. It's coming out in the US and you find it on Amazon, though it should also be available in other bookshops and craft stores. It's also available on Amazon UK as an import, so that will be the version with US crochet terms.


  1. Nancy in Indiana, USA29 June 2019 at 10:59

    Wow! So very, very cute! I'm putting it on my wish list.

  2. Are you going to provide a list of the yarns you used for the samples just as you did for the Star Wars characters?

  3. Yes, I will try to put up the list of yarns used when the kit comes out.

  4. I can't articulate how glad I am to see this, especially as it's released in my birth month. There's a special beauty to the structure of your patterns, which makes them both comforting and exciting beyond the item being produced. I take part in a critter-crafting thing on Ravelry 3 months each year, and always head straight to your patterns

  5. I received your Harry Potter Crochet Kit today in the mail (AZ). I can hardly wait to start.!! They are all so cute. Even Voldemort....bless his wicked teeny, tiny heart!! I have made your Star Wars figures so many times!! I made the first set and gave it to my at the time 42 y.o son. And my 37 y.o daughter looks at me with a pout on her face and says, What about me? When your Star Wars II book came out, I made those for her!! Thanks so much. You are so creative!

  6. Craftyclairy and Joan, thank you for your lovely comments!

  7. Love the book, but when making Hermione, specifically her hair, the directions say "2x 2dc bob in each..." And I can't figure out what bob means. Thanks!

  8. Bob means bobble, unfortunately the details of how to make bobble stitches were missed out from the book, so here you go:

    2 dc bob (bobble stitch). YOH (yarn over hook), insert hook into next stitch, YOH and pull through loop, YOH, pull through 2 loops, YOH, insert hook into same stitch, YOH and pull through loop, YOH, pull through 2 loops, YOH, pull through all 3 loops on hook.

    3 dc bob (bobble stitch) YOH (yarn over hook), insert hook into next stitch, YOH and pull through loop, YOH, pull through 2 loops, *YOH, insert hook into same stitch, YOH and pull through loop, YOH, pull through 2 loops, repeat once from*, YOH, pull through all 4 loops on hook.

    1. I don’t understand what the 2x2dc bobble is, I understand the bobble but what is the 2x, is that 4 in one stich?

  9. I believe there is an error in the pattern instructions that I want verified. For Harry Potter's hair, I believe row 12 should end in a "turn." It doesn't make sense to end with a ch 1 and continue as it would make the hair not look correct. Please verify that row 12 ends in a turn for Harry's hair.

  10. Yes, you're right, it should say 'turn' at the end of row 12. Thanks for spotting that!

  11. I need help with Norberts pointed popcorn directions

  12. Sorry to be so slow to reply, I missed your comment. Do you know how to make a popcorn stitch? If not, you work a certain number of double crochet stitches into one stitch, then take your hook out of the working loop. You then put your hook through the top of the first dc, then through the working loop, and pull that through, making a big, bumpy stitch.

    To do the pointed popcorn, you work 1 dc, then do 2 chain stitches. Work 2 more dc into the same stitch as the first one, then make the popcorn as described above. The extra 2 ch give a pointed end to the popcorn, which makes it perfect for the horns on Norbert's head.

  13. I received this kit as a gift and I just love it. I am working on Norbert right now and I am stuck on the front leg. What does, Sl st between back loop of each sc and the loops formed along the bottom to join edges together, mean?
    Thank you in advance.

  14. Hi April,
    I can't add photos to my reply here, so if you could contact me via messages on my Etsy shop (, I can show you images to explain what to do more easily.

  15. I have tried to send you a message on your Etsy page but it keeps telling me that sending failed =(
    Could you maybe send me an email

    Thank you for all your help

  16. I'm making Harry Potter from your kit. I can't figure out how to do the legs.

  17. Can you give me a bit more detail about where you're getting stuck?

  18. Harry’s hair. Can’t understand the directions in Rnd5 to equal 27 sts. Are you able explain?

  19. When you see an instruction like '3 times' after a set of brackets, you do what it says in those brackets three times.
    So, if you take Rnd 5: [2 sc in next st, (spike st over next st, sc in next st) 3 times, spike st over next st] 3 times - 27 st.
    And expand the instructions in the middle brackets, it looks like this:
    2 sc in next st, spike st over next st, sc in next st, spike st over next st, sc in next st, spike st over next st, sc in next st, spike st over next st.
    That is 9 stitches, and you do those instructions three times, totalling 27 stitches.

    1. Thank you! This helps tremendously.

  20. Thank you Sarah B for asking and THANK YOU Lucy for responding to all the comments asking for help!! I have referred to this blog so many times for clarification of the instructions in this book.

    Also, How tall should Harry be? He looks so small in the book and mine looks so big comparably. I've had to use a combination of 3 and 4 weight yarn to get the colors needed in my small Texas town area.

  21. He should be about 4 inches tall, but it will depend on the yarn you use. It's amazing how different yarns can be, even when they're supposed to be the same thickness. The size also varies depending on how tightly you work, and it's easy for that to change, even when you don't realise. I've often made the same figure twice, and they've ended up different sizes!

  22. Help! On page 34 for the legs of Dobby I can’t see how round 3 is right. I’m stuck.

  23. When it says 'sc2tog' you decrease by working two stitches into one stitch, as described at the front of the book (page 9, or use the invisible decrease as described on page 10). So, in round 3, you work 3 sc, then decrease three times so that the next 6 sc become 3 sc, then you work 3 more sc, to make 9 sc in total.

  24. 2x2dc bob just means to do two 2 dc bobbles in one stitch. It's a bit of a squeeze, but you can work quite loosely.

    I know that the bobble stitches weren't defined in the book, I've added the description to another post along with other errata:

    And here's the definition - 2 dc bob: YOH (yarn over hook), insert hook into next stitch, YOH and pull through loop, YOH, pull through 2 loops, YOH, insert hook into same stitch, YOH and pull through loop, YOH, pull through 2 loops, YOH, pull through all 3 loops on hook.

  25. To make Hagrid’s shoes it says to mark a stitch in Round 47, but when I go to make the 3dc bob in round 53, am I supposed to somehow connect that with the stitch that I marked before? Or is the mark just to let me know where to start the shoe?

  26. That's a typo, it should say round 52. Thanks for spotting it!

  27. I have enjoyed your kit. I would love to see more book characters kits like mortal instruments, or court of thorn in roses. Will definitely buy more from you.

  28. Thank you. As for other books, it depends on whether the publishers want to do any, and if they can get the rights for the properties the crochet characters are based on.

  29. Can you explain Harry’s hair? I have made it several times and it looks nothing like the photos. And it is too big for his head.

  30. If you read the post 'Harry Potter - yarn used' you'll find a list of errors in the book at the end, one of those is in the instructions for Harry's hair, that could be where you're having a problem. I've also answered other people's questions about various parts of the patterns which might help.

  31. My dumbledore’s hair came up about 4-5 stitches too short (sits just above shoulder at shortest length). Any recommendations on how best to lengthen? I assume just add that many stitches to the middle run of each row?

  32. In general, I would say that if the hair comes up too small, to crochet less tightly, or use a larger hook. However, if that still doesn't work (it may be that the yarn you are using is a little thinner than the one I used), then yes, just add a few stitches in the middle of each row.

  33. Bonjour, je viens d acheter votre livre avec les amigurumis harry potter fan d harry potter de grand mère en petite fille nous avons tous nos préférences et 1 personne chez moi est fan de serpentard auriez vous eu l idée de faire des amigurumis de cette maison? Merci beaucoup à vous

  34. Hi, I'm not intending to make any more Harry Potter amigurumi patterns. If you like Slytherin, there is Snape in the book, and you could make Draco Malfoy by using the pattern for Ron and doing blond hair.
