The kit contains a book with the patterns for 12 Star Wars characters - Boba Fett, C-3PO, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Wicket the Ewok, Han Solo, Jabba the Hutt, Luke Skywalker (Jedi), Princess Leia, R2-D2, Stormtrooper and Yoda - as well as the yarn, hook and eyes to make Yoda and the Stormtrooper.
The kit is published by Thunder Bay in the US, you can find it listed on
Amazon, although it will be available in other stores. It's also due to be published shortly in Australia/New Zealand by Hardie Grant under their Chirpy Bird imprint. Hopefully it will be released in other countries too, but there's no information about that at the moment. It is listed on Amazon UK though, due out in May.
It's really exciting to see my patterns made into a book like this. I love the photographs of the characters, mixed with stills from the films in the book, and it was wonderful to be told that Lucasfilm were thrilled with the way the book came out!
I'm so excited about this book! It's out here in Sweden and I'm waiting for it to arrive in my mailbox :-D
Congratulations! The book looks great and the patterns are really well done. Do you have any more Star Wars character pattens planned, beyond the ones that are in the book or available on your website?
Thanks! At the moment I'm not planning any more Star Wars characters, I'm trying to work on a wide range of different amigurumi patterns.
Mine arrived yesterday in Oregon....May the fourth be with you....perfect timing!!! :)
Hi Lucy! I'm so excited... I found the kit at my local Costco and can't wait to get started. Could you please let me know the type of yarn included in the kit? Thank you and wish you all the best!
Thanks! The yarn in the kit was sourced by the publisher, so I don't know much about it. They may have ordered it specially and so it's not a particular brand.
I have to say that I am absolutely in love with this book. A friend got it for me and asked me to make her all of them (since she doesn't know how to crochet...). I was wondering what brand of yarn you used for the middle part of C-3PO? I've looked through quite a few yarn brands and can't seem to find one that fits right.
Thanks! The yarn I used for C-3PO’s middle was Robin Paintbox DK (colour Leopardskin 197) - you can see it here. If this isn't available where you live, hopefully you can find something similar.
Awesome. I will have to do some searching online. I've seen a few that might work but they are apparently quite hard to find. Thank you so much! :]
One more question about yarn colors. what yarn did you use for the skin tone? I'm not sure about anywhere else, but in the US, there doesn't seem to be many colors like that. I've looked at some online but the colors or yarn lines have been discontinued... The local craft and yarn shop have a few light tan ones that could work if I don't find anything else, the characters would just look a bit pale. Lol. I like the little bit of pink that shows in the yarn you used.
One of my favourite brands is Hayfield Bonus DK, and they have a great skin tone yarn. However, as far as yarns in the US go, I've come across a few recommendations over the years. I'm not sure if these are all still available, but you could try Red Heart Super Saver Light Coral, Red Heart Classic Peachy or Bernat Satin Camel.
I've got all the colors but the tiny bit of varigated for C3 any idea what/where? I'm in US.. Oh, LOVE the book, making them for one of the guys in Celtic Thunder who is a major Star Wars fan
Hi! I love your book! But I live in México so I dont think I can get it. Is there any other way to obtain these patterns? Maybe in pdf format? Obviously with the corresponding payment. Thank you and congratulations!
I pre-ordered your Star Wars crochet kit from Amazon so I already have mine! I'm almost done with yoda! I need to get some more supplies. What size eyes should I get, and what weight or yarn will match? Thanks for the awesome book and kit! I'm loving it!
I had no idea that this book was by you, Lucy Ravenscar from Rav! So excited, now I have to get it for sure! Great job!
Nancy, see the comment above for the yarn I used - I'm sure there must be a similar yarn in the US, try asking around on Ravelry for suggestions.
Tania, the publishers are only making it in 'real' book format at the moment. It might be worth contacting them to let them know you'd be interested in an e-book.
Vic's Creations - all the details for the eyes to get are in the book, look near the front for more information about yarn.
Thanks Anon!
You're out of stock!!!
Help Me!! I need that.
Sorry, I don't sell the books/kits. You'll need to contact wherever you want to buy them from to get them back in stock.
I have already purchased many of the patterns in the star wars kit. I have made Yoda several times and the kids love them. Is the Jaba pattern available for sale outside of the kit?
Sorry, no. The Jabba pattern belongs to the publishing company now, so I'm not allowed to sell it.
I cannot thank you enough for putting together this kit! I have three boys & it's hard to find things to make for them. Two of my boys are huge Star Wars fans & LOVE the characters I am making from your wonderful patterns. My fingers are cramping but it's totally worth it! Thanks so much!!
Thanks, I'm so pleased you're enjoying it!
Hi There,
I just discovered your blog. LOVE IT!! I am also loving the Star Wars book you created. Patterns are easy to follow and my fleet of characters is slowly growing. Thank you.
I found the kit at Costco!!! Great price too, cheaper than Amazon.
Can't wait to start Yoda!
Good find!
A friend gave me this kit and I love it! Congrats and thanks for making it. One question though, what brand is the stuffing? I really like it and would like to buy more.
I'll friend you on revelry. I'm def going to look through all your creations ;)
Congrats! I got the kit at Costco! I've finished Yoda and Storm Trooper and my kids LOVE them! I don't know what yarn to buy in the US! Red Heart 4medium seems thicker than what you included in the kit! What size and brand options should I look for?
Thanks! I wasn't involved with sourcing the materials for the kits, but as far as I am aware the stuffing and the yarn will have been purchased in bulk, and isn't a brand you can buy in the shops. I think the publishers tried to match the yarn to samples of the yarn I used which is double knitting weight. This is equivalent to 3:light yarn. The brands I used were mostly Hayfield Bonus DK and Robin DK.
Aww man I can't find the kit ANYWHERE, and I had just seen it at Michael's about 3 weeks ago, went back and it was gone. Even Amazon has it for over $90! Tell your publisher to print more!
I've been assured by the publisher that they are printing more at the moment, might take about a month to become available.
I'm definitely going to try and get my hands on a copy. The patterns look so great! Please can you tell me Lucy, are you working in US or UK terminology?? Thanks in advance.
Lucy I can NOT get the backs on the safety eyes PLEASE HELP SO I CAN COMPLETE YODA
Katie, the patterns are written in US terminology, but with a list of the UK equivalent terms at the beginning.
Attaching the backs of safety eyes - a good tip is to put the backs in a cup of hot water for a minute of two. That expands and softens them just a little and makes them easier to put on. You may also need to put your weight behind it when you push them on, so make sure the eyes are on a soft surface (something like a mouse mat is ideal) when you're pressing down on the backs.
Hi! I bought the Star Wars Crochet kit and really had fun making the characters with the materials in the kit. I would love to make the rest of the characters in the pattern book but I'm really having a hard time finding the perfect colored yarn especially the gold yarn for C3PO and the green for Jaba. Any suggestions?
Hello- wondering if you would consider composing knitting patterns for the Star Wars characters.
Christine, the yarns I mainly used were Hayfield Bonus DK and Robin DK. The green I used for Jabba was Hayfield Bonus DK, orchard (904) and for C-3PO I used Hayfield Bonus DK, wheat (816).
Anon, I'm afraid I can't knit, so I won't be designing any knitting patterns soon!
Have this in my Amazon Wishlist. Any idea when more will be released?
Hopefully another week or two.
Wow! These are fantastic ! I would love to make these for Christmas presents and perhaps buy a couple of sets for younger members of the family I'd love to encourage to crochet ( makes it much cooler for boys if they see it's not all pink baby clothes! I had 6 boys I'm a sucker for baby gifts for girls ) we are a starwars era family my brother and I the first time round our children the second That can get confusing though 😉 . I'm so happy for you this is such a great thing to have published. I think the only thing I had published was ' craziest yarn addict ever!'
Any updates from the publisher? I've been checking Amazon pretty much daily, but haven't seen any new ones added.
Thanks Louise! Having boys myself (and being a big Star Wars fan) makes me keen to make things that boys will like.
Micha, no further information yet I'm afraid.
Were can I find it in Sweden?
Has the second edition already sold out? I just came across this book and would love it but the 'Hutts' are selling it now for 3 to 5 times the original price it seems.
Saga N - at the moment it has only been published in America and Australia. It is currently out of print, but when it is available again you might be able to order it from Amazon.
Tamarack sewing - the reprint hasn't come out yet, it seems to be taking a bit longer than the publishers expected. Hopefully it won't be long now!
Any chance you'd consider publishing as an e-book? I can buy yarn but the book is proving elusive.
Andey - it's not me publishing it, and at the moment the publishers are producing it as a kit. It should be reprinted soon, but I have no idea as to whether they would ever consider releasing it as an e-book.
Yay! Thanks Lucy. I'll watch for it:)
Hi Lucy! Are there any updates on a second release? Thank you for your amazing work!
Thanks! No news yet, I'm still waiting to hear back from the publishers.
Hi all. I reached out to the publisher myself, and heard back from Lori Asbury, the Editorial Director. She informed me that they would be available on Amazon at the end of September.
Thanks for doing that Micha! Time to start stalking more intensely! :)
Good job Micha, I'm still waiting for a reply! It's good when the customers ask, so the publishers know that the demand is there.
Micha Wins!
Harry Potter please!! I would love these I your style :)
I just purchased mine through Amazon. It is expected to ship next week!
Great news Pamela! Hopefully it will be in other stores as well, and in the UK Amazon soon.
Leonie, I'd love to do a Harry Potter book, I'll have to ask the publishers about it. I already have a Witch and Wizard pattern that could be adapted to various characters: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/63378835/witch-and-wizard-mini-amigurumi-pattern?ref=shop_home_active_22
I love this so much! I found this at Michael's store here in Canada (I got the last one!) and I am learning how to crochet just so I can make the entire set!
Thank you for the yarn info in the comment section here. I came here to ask what type of beige yarn was used because I've run out of yarn in the middle of Yoda's sleeve (I may have messed up some of the wool on my first try!). I see that I need to contact the publisher about that. I will look for your recommended yarn here Canada!
Once I finish this lot, I will come back for the rest of the characters on etsy!
All the best,
Yay! Ordered my copy from Amazon just now. I've been checking every couple of days. These will be so fun to make for the grandkids:)
Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us! I loved finding projects that I can give to my nephews for years to come! Yoda has gone very quickly! I am struggling with his claws. The pattern says to use a small stitch. What do I do? I have been crocheting for 30 years and have never seen this stitch. :/
Thank you for your help!!
Thank you! I love the idea of these being made for grandkids and nieces and nephews.
The claws on Yoda are just sewn with a couple of short stitches on each toe, using the beige yarn.
Thank you!! I feel like such a ninny...I asked my mom her thought on it and she said the same thing!
I just opened the kit and was looking through it...the book instructions say to use worsted weight yarn, but the yarn that came with the kit is definitely NOT worsted or even DK, more a sock weight yarn. I'm guessing you have no control over that, I was just wondering if you really did make the models in worsted...
I think the book says you can use worsted or double knitting weight yarn; I used DK and the publishers tried to replicate that when they chose the yarn for the kit. Of course, different brands of yarn, even when they say they're the same thickness, can work up differently. If you intend to make most of the figures, then I'd find a brand you like and stick to it. The yarn in the kit is particularly useful for people who might buy the kit but not be able to crochet yet, it gives them something to start with.
I bought the kit and love it! I know you aren't involved in the product sourcing, but what size safety eyes do you recommend for the projects? I need to buy more, but the kit doesn't give a size, and I am spatially impaired.
Each pattern gives the size of eye you need, under the list of materials. Most of them use 7.5mm black safety eyes, which should be the size you get with the kit.
What brand/colors did you use for Chewbacca? I'm having a hard time finding anything that looks quite right.
I must say, I found it hard to choose the right colours for Chewy, especially since different photos of him make him look different. In the end I went for Hayfield DK with wool (shade 92, brogue) for the darker colour, and Hayfield Bonus DK (shade 927, walnut) for the lighter colour.
Love the book! Just finished yoda, very well written pattern. Is there any way to get the pattern for the robe with hood? Lots of the yodas made with this pattern on ravelry have hoods. Thanks!
Thanks! I sent you a reply about the hood on Etsy.
Hi Lucy, can we get the book as a PDF at all, I don't want the kit just the book. Cheers
I'm afraid the publishers are only making it available as a book and kit.
My 10 year old daughter is a new Star Wars fan. I ordered your book and she fell in love instantly! I've mad Yoda for her and am almost done with the Stormtrooper! I am definitely a beginner to crocheting, less than a year, but your patterns and instructions and great!! Thank you so much!!! Will be looking forward for more kits in the future!!
Thank you! I'm so pleased you're having fun with it.
Hi Lucy!
I love your creations! I got star wars kit and made yoda for my husband's birthday, however I am out of light beige yarn and cannot finish the last sleeve of the robe (I have made a couple of mistakes while trying to make the robe). Could you please tell which brand of the yarn is included in the kit so I could purchase more of the same colour?
Thank you!!
The yarn was especially made for the kit, so there isn't a particular brand you could buy. You could try contacting the publishers, but I'm not sure if they'll have any spare.
I was just wondering if there are other kits I can buy to make the other characters that includes the yarn and eyes. Or am I just supposed to find the materials and buy them?
The kit that comes with the book has the materials needed to make Yoda and a Stormtrooper. To make any other characters, you need to buy the materials yourself, all the details are listed at the start of each pattern. I've done a blog post with a list of all the yarn I used (http://lucyravenscar.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/star-wars-crochet-yarn-used.html), if you're not in the UK you'll need to find similar equivalents in yarn of craft stores, where you'll also find stuffing and some types of safety eyes. For more information on where to find eyes try the list here: www.planetjune.com/eyesources.
Thank you
i bought your kit and i want to know if there are any videos that i can watch to help me make my yoda
I'm afraid I don't have any videos like that. Try looking online for videos on how to make amigurumi, they should help you pick up the basics if you're a visual learner.
Hi Lucy,
I have my kit it arrived one week ago and I so happy. I'm from Uruguay, I bought your kit in Amazon and I can't wait to finish the whole collection, I made 3 characters, yoda, stromtrooper and c3po.
Thanks so much for this kit, I always make your free patterns :) and I can't believe I have your book.
Best wishes,
Thank you! I'm so pleased you're enjoying all my patterns!
Hi Lucy, i enjoyed scrolling through your book and I started with yoda. I also had a problem with the safety eyes. I tried the hot water trick. I have to buy some to finish the project and other characters, but I cannot find a place where they sell a great variety of eyes. Where did you get yours? Thank you!
There's a great list on Planetjune’s website with links to lots of suppliers of safety eyes: www.planetjune.com/eyesources
I’m in the UK and I use CraftBits, but wherever you live the list should point you in the right direction.
Hi, I m really enjoying crocheting these guys. I m having trouble understanding how to do Jabba's kneck folds???? Any help most appreciated.
It's probably best if you explain exactly where you're having problems, but basically rounds 16 - 18 overhang the rest of the body. When you've completed the body you sew the edge of this part to the body, the instructions for that are at the end of the Jabba pattern.
I think I ve sussed it. Do I go underneath the rows and use loops from row 15? I ve folded the last 3 rows back. It was the 'back' loop of row 15 that i was unsure of. I ve just hooked onto a easy to get to loop of row 15 and used those loops all around row 15 to do row 19
Is that right? Cheers.
Yes, you have to get used to what the back loops look like, but once you've found them it's quite easy to work into them.
Miz Lucy, you are my hero! One of my bosses absolutely worships Star Wars, and finding this kit is going to make his Christmas. I'm especially appreciative of the link you provided in the comments listing the yarns used for each character.
Any chance you have plans for a Doctor Who set? That would just make me the best employee ever, as it's my other boss's favorite.
Thank you! I don't have any plans at the moment to do a Doctor Who set, but I do have a free Dalek pattern: http://lucyravenscar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/dalek-amigurumi-pattern-free.html
Is this book still in print? I am finding it hard to get a copy in the UK!? Thanks. Ruth
Hey Glenevis, I saw the other day that Jimmy Beans Wool (online) is carrying the kit. 24.95 US and available mid September. www.jimmybeanswool.com
The book hasn't actually been printed in the UK yet, but it is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Star-Wars-Crochet-Kits/dp/1626863261
Stumbled over your kit in my local Michaels and I love it! Yoda turned out fantastic, but I had some trouble with the Stormtrooper. He's bigger than the listed size in the book, although I used all the kit materials and worked quite tight (you can't see the stuffing). Also, the side bulges in the helmet kept coming out in the front and back of the helmet when I followed the pattern. I ended up modifying the pattern to make it work, but I'm still not sure what I did wrong. Do you have any suggestions on this (and on the size issue). Thanks so much. Looking forward to getting my hands on your next Star Wars kit.
Got my daughter to buy me the kit in Canada and send it to me in exchange for making three of the patterns for her boyfriend Dave. I made Yoda, Jabba the Hurt and Boba Fett, as per his request. They were great fun to do, Boba being the hardest as he had lots of color changes. One criticism of the kit, for the price, the wools and hook that come with it are TOTAL RUBBISH, but as they use just scraps, it was still well worth it for me and I look forward to the new book. Have posted pictures in my Ravery Projects. http://www.ravelry.com/projects/Redloon/yoda---star-wars-mini-amigurumi, http://www.ravelry.com/projects/Redloon/jabba-the-hutt, http://www.ravelry.com/projects/Redloon/boba-fett---star-wars-mini-amigurumi-2
I'm glad you enjoyed the patterns, since that's the part I was responsible for! I'll check out your pictures on Ravelry. As far as the yarn goes, I know a lot of people have found it just fine. I think it's just good to have some yarn and a hook for total beginners so they can get started.
Ok, so I bought this kit last year (or maybe even the year before) but haven't touched it as I've never crocheted anything before. I'm determined to make SOMEONE as practice, before I make myself an Ewok. I have some other yard from knitting and I'm going to practice my ch & sc to get comfy with them first. But my question is, if you had to rank each character as to their relative difficulty, who is the easiest for a newbie like myself? On up to who is the hardest/most involved? I just don't want to start with the hardest project in the book & get discouraged.
Good question! One thing I would suggest as you're practicing is to have a go at changing colours, as that's a slightly more complicated element that you need when making a lot of the characters. Otherwise, if you've never crocheted before, look online for all the great tutorial out there. I recommend PlanetJune's amigurumi tutorials particularly (www.planetjune.com/help), and you can practice on any of my free patterns (listed on the right).
Yoda is pretty simple, the robe is the only element that might be more complicated. My original version of Yoda had him without a separate robe, as you can see here: http://lucyravenscar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/02/star-wars-mini-amigurumi.html. If you'd like to know how to change the pattern in the book to make this version, let me know.
The Stormtrooper is fairly straightforward, as are C-3PO and Princess Leia. In fact, I tried to put the patterns in the book in order (very roughly) of how difficult they are, so hopefully that will help.
Hello, I brought this for my 11 year old son who is a Star Wars fanatic! He loves it and wants to try it BUT he lost the instructions. Is there anywhere I can download instructions??
I'm afraid not. The only place you can get the patterns is in the book which is part of the kit.
HE FOUND THEM!!! Thank you for responding though!
That's good - I know when my boys 'lose' something it only takes a bit of proper looking from me and I find it!
Hi Lucy
Have ordered two kits from different online stores as I saw different covers
On was the 'UK ver' (where cover has 2 stormtroppers and Darth Vader - and R2D2 is on the front of the box)
One was US ver (where cover has Luke and Leia)
However one the supplier I ordered the UK ver sent me the US version instead!
May I ask are the patterns the same in both versions?
I'm happy to have same patterns inside but want to check with you before I contact the bookstore and get them to change it to the Uk / aka R2D2 box as love both!
I have copies of both the US and UK versions and they look the same, the box as the photo above and the book with Luke and Leia on the front. The only difference is in the terms used in the patterns, since US and UK crochet terms are different (US single crochet is UK double crochet for example). Do you have links to or photos of the other version?
This was the copy I wanted (and had ordered) - where R2D2 is in right corner - Hardie Grant was publisher and states 1st edition
They have the version that you have here too - it seems like different publishing year and company?
I had ordered from another website one that looks exactly like the one you posted.
Thanks for replying - your work is so cute! I've been thinking to get your kit for awhile (I'm a newbie crocheter) - am happy to order 2 kits but hoping to get the different covers!
This was the other version - it has Darth Vader and two stormtroppers on the book, and R2D2 is on the cover of the book
The description states it's 2015 edition and publisher is Hardie Grant Egmont
Thanks for replying!
Ah, that is the Australian printing of the book, although I'm wondering if that's really what the cover looks like, or just a mock-up that has been used by mistake. The images of Yoda and Chewie are my original figures I made years ago, not from the final versions I created for the book.
Hey, I would love to know what size the eyes are so that I can get more to create more characters, do you know? Thank you, it's such a lovely book :)
The size of eyes you need for each pattern are listed in the book, at the start of each pattern.
Hi Lucy. I am enjoying you pattern book. Thanks. I'm having trouble, though, understanding Darth Vader's lightsaber. I'm wondering if you have or know of a video demonstrating these steps.
I'm afraid I don't have anything like that, though it would be a good idea to do, to demonstrate the technique. For the new book I made the lightsabers a bit more simply, just using the normal amigurumi technique, with 6 stitches in a round. You should be able to see if you look at the photos of Kylo Ren, though his lightsaber has extra side bits: http://lucyravenscar.blogspot.co.uk/2017/03/star-war-even-more-crochet-is-here.html
Well, I didn't crochet until I picket up your STAR WARS kit. I received it as a Christmas present, so I had to give crocheting a try. Thank you for writing a book with clear reference pages, pictures and instructions. This is not the potholder someone told me I should start with! I think I did alright with Yoda (except he is done entirely in BLO stitches) and I have just started the storm trooper. My Online shopping cart is also full of yarns I would like to get to try more! Thank you for helping me get started in my new hobby! The link is to a picture of my Yoda. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnImU8KDJkUMmaRGzOfcyitny3Q4gg
Apparently this kit is not for beginners. I cant even figure it out, and the instructions are useless if your newbie.
I am in the process of making the star wars characters. all of the ones I have made, 5 of them are much bigger than the 3-5 inches that they are supposed to be. I have checked several times to be sure that I am using the correct stitch and I am. why would that be. I'm ok with them being bigger just don't know why. I would say they are about 2 times bigger.
hello! I wanted to make sure you know someone is reselling your pattern. I just bought it (not knowing) but when I open the file its clearly from yur kit. here's the link: https://ebooksid.com/princess-leia-star-wars-crochet-pattern-pdf/
I apologise for not replying to the last few messages - Blogger is not sending me notifications of new messages any more. I think I've sorted that, but if you leave a message on here and you don't get a reply you can contact me via Etsy messages (https://www.etsy.com/shop/lucyravenscar) or Ravelry (https://www.ravelry.com/designers/lucy-collin-2).
Sharon, they may be bigger because the yarn you're using is thicker, or it could be that you're working more loosely. You need to work tightly enogh tat the stuffing doesn't show through, but if that's not happening it's not a problem.
Anon, thanks for the link, I've told the publisher.
Hi! I'm working through the kit with my 2 nieces and we're all loving it. We're just finishing up Yoda's robe and there's one instruction that I'm not familiar with: 5 sc around ch 5 (row 3). Looking at the picture, I'm guessing this means make 5 chains, skip 5 stitches and join the chain with a SC to the 6th stitch. Is that correct? I tried searching for an explanation of the term X sc around ch X but came up empty. We appreciate your help!
You're making the arm hole here, so on row 2 you chained 5, missed 4 st, then worked into the next 2 st. When you work row 3 that gives you a length of chain that forms the bottom of the arm hole. Rather than work into the actual chain stitches you work sc around the chain. Put your hook under the length of chain, yarn over hook, pull that under the chain, yarn over hook, pull through both loops on hook.
Hi I have been having trouble with the Chewbacca figure coming out flat as a pancake, what am I missing? I'm not seeing anyplace where I have any crochet stitches together like some of through other figures. It just keeps adding stitches in the instructions. Help please!
You increase for 4 rounds, then do the same number of stitches in each round for 3 rounds, then you increase a little more, and do the same number of stitches for 11 rounds, and so on. The overall shape is more like a narrow cone. Just follow the instructions carefully and this is what you should get.
Hi! I am very new to crochet. I bought this kit many years ago and am finally attempting to make the Yoda. I have a question that may be silly… I’m on Rnd 20. It says in BLO to sc until I get to the stitch marker that it previously told me to place. I’ve done that. Then it says to Work a 3dc pop in each of the next 3 st. Do I do those also in BLO? Then I’m to sc in next 5 st. Are those also BLO? Thank you so much!
Hi, it's not a silly question, it's not entirely clear in the way it's written. You do want to work the whole round in back loops only.
Thank you so much for your reply!
Hi. On Yoda’s robe at the end of row 6, should I chain 1 and turn before starting row 7? Thanks!
I’m new…so not sure if I’m supposed to somehow go back over the top of his robe. I can’t really see all of this stitches though to get a good count to see if that would even total the stitches for this round.
Sorry, I missed your previous message. Yes, you should ch 1 and turn at the end of row 6. Depending on the yarn, and how you crochet, you can always add an extra row of 28 sc after that if the robe seems too short.
Ok, great! Thanks so much!
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